Wednesday, 31 August 2011


V ponedeljek 5. septembra se po nekajmesečnem premoru a z mnogo novimi izkušnjami vračam v vrste učiteljev Joga Studia Sadhana. V sezoni 2011/12 bom poučevala začetno in srednjo stopnjo tečajev hatha joge. V mesecu septembru so vrata studia odprta, kar pomeni, da se lahko brezplačno udeležite ure joge, spoznate, kaj joga sploh je in si izberete tisti tečaj in učitelja, ki vam najbolj odgovarja.


Joga Studio Sadhana Vič, Koprska 52, Ljubljana

 18.45.-20.15.- hatha joga srednji 
20.15.-21.30.- hatha joga začetni

12.00.-13.00.- hatha joga lunch
17.30.-18.45.- hatha joga začetni

Joga Studio Sadhana Kranj- Drulovka, Špikova 17

18.00.-19.30.- hatha joga 1
19.45.-21.15.- hatha yoga 1

Celoten urnik, ki vključuje tudi programe drugih učiteljev in pa cenik lahko najdete na spletni strani Joga Studia sadhana:

Še nekaj besed o sebi, za tiste, ki me kot učiteljico joge še ne poznate:

Svojo učiteljsko pot sem pričela leta 2007. Marca sem se udeležila enomesečnega tečaja za učitelje joge 'Yoga Foundation Course' na SVYASA- Svami Vivekananda yoga anusandhana samsthana, univerzi za jogijske certifikate in raziskave v Bangalorejuv Indiji.
Leta 2008 sem se udeležila delavnice zazen meditacije na Japonskem v slavnem zenovskem samostanu Soji-ji.
Leta 2009 sem v ašramu Yoga Vidya Gurukul v Nasiku v Indiji prejela diplomo v jogijskih študijah 'Diploma in yogic studies'. Študij je zajemal napredne jogijske tehnike in filozofijo. 
V letu 2010 sem se dodatno izobraževala na domači Sadhani, kjer poučujem že od leta 2007 in sicer v okviru Sadhana- šole joge.
V začetku letošnjega leta (2011) sem v Tiruvannamalaiju v Indiji obiskovala cikel predavanj Vedante, ene izmed indijskih filozofij.
Udeležila sem se še raznih delavnic iz področja joge in ayurvede, jogo pa sem poleg v Sloveniji poučevala tudi v Indiji in na Japonskem.

Pišem tudi za Joga Portal, vse moje članke pa lahko najdete na naslednji povezavi:

Om shanti shanti shanti!

Saturday, 27 August 2011


Some photos from our Future Sailors bye bye party in Koenji One. I played my guilty pleasure Dirty Dutch DJ set and Miha swagged on his Dirty South.We both also had short live performances, me as Kaki, Miha as N'toko. Big thumbs up for Kaname's DJing, she was so cool! And Ian and James were awesome as usual. No wonder why Fashion Crisis is the coolest event in town:)
The night continued at Bami and later on at karaoke. But that's a story on it's own.
Thanks everybody for coming, it was fun. And thanks for putting effort into sailors outfits, it added to the atmosphere. We are just sailors heading towards the future:)

(photos by James Hadfield, Ian Martin, me...)

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Miha and I are about to set sail to the sea of smooth, so we're having a goodbye party before we throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor of Tokyo, catch the trade winds in our sails and start to explore! dream! discover! our home country again. For a few months.
Our battered suitcases are piled on the sidewalk again; we have longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life! Not all who wander are lost!

(quotes from Mark Twain, Jack Kerouac and J.R.R. Tolkien)

So, on Thursday the 18th we'll be holding a special night of nautical pop, yacht rock and general marine mayhem at Koenji One, with the usual Fashion Crisis crew. All welcome, so, um, climb aboard, sailor!

Place: Koenji One (
Date: August 18th (Thursday)
Time: 8:00pm-last train
Cost: FREE
- N'toko
- Zana Caroline
- Kaname K
- James Hadfield
- Ian Martin

Nautical clothes and accessories encouraged.

See you:)

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


In July I was modeling for a fashion design student Yuyu Jang. She is from Korea but she studies at design university in Kokubunji. It was just the two of us at the shooting and her boyfriend came along as a translator. They were so nice and we discovered we have so many things in common. We all live or used to live in Koenji so we know the same people and go out to the same places. The clothes on the photos are all her designs and her prints. I think she is really talented and enjoys fashion a lot, I wish her all the best in the fashion world after she finishes her studies.

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Just some photos from my recent events. The one above is from Koenji One, Oguri-san (the owner of One) and Kaki. It was a fun night, Nina, my friend from Slovenia came to the concert and she gave Oguri-san a lesson of useful English words, such as hangover. So, that's how he named this photo: 'A HANGOVER'.

Last week I DJ-ed at Velours in Aoyama. I thought Trump Room and Le Baron are funny places, but this surpassed both of them. It has the biggest chandelier and the head of a dead buffalo (well, not the real one I guess), the smoothest staff in black with photoshop perfection to them and a black guy in a suit checking IDs at the door. On top of that it's super difficult to be find which only adds to the mysteriousness of the place. Like a hidden resort for rich's private parties in the fancy part of the town.

The event was cool, some really cool bands were lined up and it's too bad so few people showed up. The candy of the evening was the band Otocompo- a new band that arose form the ruins of Motocompo. Pretty indie boys dressed in sailor suits doing robot-like cartoonish dance to a video game sounding 'ska-electro' music  in a cheesy high class club? Sounds perverted, but definitely a sight to remember:)

To end the night in a style, our Koenji/Nakano crew went home in taxi. But only because there was no trains anymore, haha. We got our swag on that night. Swag on- log in- rock out!

N'toko, Electric Vevet vol 1.

DJ-ing at Velours.