Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Zombie Nation

'Decemberfest' will be an event in K4 organized by Smetnjak and I'm really happy about our Safari crew getting the honor to DJ with Zombie Nation, an artist I admire a lot. I think I've never played a Dj set without one of his songs in it. I'm gonna see him for the first time and I'm already excited about it:)
Here is more info on the event:

location: K4, Ljubljana
date: 9th December 2011

main floor:

NubiS (Smetnjak)
Mr. Gucci (Smetnjak)

Small floor:

N'toko (Safari)
PlankTon (Safari)
Zana (Safari)
Shekuza (Moveknowledgement)

Mina Fina (Smetnjak)

Dekor: (Smetnjak)

Dresscode is not zombie, but nation!

Entree fee:
before midnight: 7 euros.
students, dress-code, with flyer: 8 euros

And here are some videos, to get a taste of his music:

The first video is Gizmode. I actually saw the dancers from this video at one show in Tokyo. They were supporting the pop/electro pop singer Tigarah. It was really funny when I saw this video later on and I went: Oh, those guys! And I also saw them a few weeks later on the street in Harajuku. Small world:)

The next video is for Kernkraft 400, I played the remix of this song when I deejayed for the very first time, because my favorite DJ at that time had it in her mix and I wanted to be like her. She was so unbelievably cool and pretty, well she still is but I wouldn't necessarily play her songs again, even though she is still my biggest inspiration.

And the latest Zombie Nation's project ZZT (together with Tiga):

Come and play:)

Monday, 21 November 2011

Explosions in my head

Last month I met Katarina. She is an AGRFT (Academy of Theater, Radio, Movie and Television) student and had a project to do for her school: a portrait of a person she doesn't know. We saw each other before at some gigs but never really met so she asked me if I could help. Sure, why not:)
First we went for a coffee to Kino Šiška, then we had a tea at my place and then again a coffee by Ljubljanica. We talked a lot and she took photos- the point of her work was to present different interpretations of me just by changing the order of the photos.

In this blog I don't want to present just photos from our shooting, but also Katarina's other work. You can find her under the name Kukla Kesherovich (or Katarina Kesherovich or Katarina Rešek) and you can check out her photography on:
She also has a musical project Napravi Mi Dete. It's funny that I was a big fan of hers even before I knew who she was. I saw her videos months ago and I thought they're really cool. Check them out!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Lions and Zebras

Here are some photos from our gig in Kino Udarnik in Maribor: N'toko, PlankTon and me as DJs, BeatMyth as live act and we had Koala from Trajna again to do the awesome visuals. Thanks to Srđan and everybody else at Kino Udarnik, and thanks to the photographer Nejc Ketiš, you can find more of his work on:
(the last photo is by Žan Lebe)

Friday, 11 November 2011

Safari vol.2

On Safari's second edition we will host New Wave Syria, one of my favorite Slovenian indie bands. As it's written on their Myspace: "Analogue synthesizers, DIY philosophy and circuit bending were the main influences that had a strong impact on their music. These influences lead them into circuit bending and creating of unique musical instruments, some of which they use in their music. New Wave Syria’s approach is closer to rock’n’roll rather than the typical electronic and DJ scene. When making music and performing live they use various synthesizers, drum machines and other electronic gadgets."
I'm really honored to have them at our event. DJ team Mad Vada will take care of the warming up and PlankTon, N'toko and me for the after party:)

V drugi ediciji Safarija se bosta DJ formaciji PlankTon/N'toko/Zana pridružila New Wave Syria, za ogrevanje pa bosta poskrbela DJ duo Mad Vada!

Kdaj: četrtek 17. november od 22.00. do 4.00
Kje: Klub Gromka, Metelkova, Ljubljana


New Wave Syria:

Ritem mašine.√
Analogni sinti.√
Distorzirani vokali.√
Hudi komadi.√



PlankTon (

N'toko (

Zana (

Mad Vada: future garage. bass. electronica.


Koala (Trajna) (

Vstopnina: 3evre

Come and play:)

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Safari goes to Maribor

Next week our Safari crew is taking a trip to Maribor. We will host a party on November 12th in Kino Udarnik. We'll repeat Safari vol.1's formation that we had in Ljubljana in September. Live act: BeatMyth. DJs: PlankTon, N'toko, Zana. Visuals: Trajna. Come and play!

DJ crew.
N'toko, PlankTon, Zana.
Rolamo muziko, ki bi jo radi v klubih slišali več.
Preferiramo novo, svežo produkcijo.
In komade, ki so namenjeni plesu.
Electro. House. Breakbeat. Techno. Hip Hop.
Živi nastopi elektronskih glasbenikov.
More= More.

12. november 2011.
Kino Udarnik.
štart: 22.00

Live act:





Koala (Trajna)

Po premierni predstavitvi v Klubu Gromka se ekipa Safarija tako z DJ seti kot tudi z live actom seli v Maribor. BeatMyth je avtorski projekt DJ PlankTona in Mike-a Preetersa z N'tokom na vokalu. V Udarniku bosta PlankTon in N'toko predstavila tako nekaj materiala iz lanskega albuma "Your Own Two Heads" ( ) kot tudi še neizdane pesmi.