Friday, 24 August 2012

Inhale. Exhale.

A new semester of yoga classes is starting in September, as usual. Yoga studio Sadhana is offering you hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, yoga for pregnancy, yoga for hormonal balance, yoga for seniors and more. My schedule is pretty much the same as last year. Mondays and Tuesdays I'll be in Ljubljana and Wednesdays in Kranj.

Septembra Joga Studio Sadhana pričenja z novo sezono tečajev joge.  Izbirate lahko med hatha jogo (začetna, srednja in zahtevna stopnja), vinjasa jogo, jogo za nosečnice, jogo za hormonsko ravnovesje ter jogo za seniorje. Moj urnik ostaja nespremenjen. Ob ponedeljkih in torkih poučujem hatha jogo v Ljubljani, ob sredah pa v Kranju. Lepo vabljeni.


Joga Studio Sadhana Vič, Koprska 52, Ljubljana

pon/ mon:
 18.45.-20.15.- hatha joga srednji 
20.15.-21.30.- hatha joga začetni

tor/ tue:
17.30.-18.45.- hatha joga začetni

Joga Studio Sadhana Kranj- Drulovka, Špikova 17

sre/ wed:
18.00.-19.30.- hatha joga 1
19.45.-21.15.- hatha yoga 1-2

Celoten urnik najdete a spletni strani Sadhane/ Full schedule is on Sadhana's website:
Moji članki na Joga portalu/ My articles on Joga Portal:

"Always do some sadhana no matter how short, because every effort of the
individual mind to meet the Universal Self is reciprocated a

Monday, 20 August 2012

Electric Light Moon Light

At the end of the month I'm gonna Dj at this event, check it out, it should be fun :)

where: Shibuya Ruby Room
when: 31th August
entree fee: 1000 yen + 1 drink 500 yen = 1500 yen

Icon Girl Pistols ( )


And also check out this event on the 30th August, this is going to be epic!!! Praha Depart and Jebiotto, my two favorite bands from Tokyo are both playing plus N'toko, Abikyokan and Exoskeleton. I can't wait!!!!

See you :)

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Fruits Clipper

These photos were taken for Vantan Design Institute in June. Make up, styling and photography was done by Yamamoto Mariko and her team.

Groupies and bros

Wow, I'm so late with this post, which means only a good thing- no time for blogging :) Anyway, here are some photos from the Kyushu tour we did in July, it was so much fun:) Kaki had her first gig in a proper club, Jebiotto were awesome, Miha made people sing the Slovenian chorus of N'toko ne obstaja,  I deejayed Bollywood and Ian was the party prince at his best.  Our crew of groupies and bros was awesome, it wouldn't be the same without you :) Fukuoka/ Kita-Kyushu/ Kumamoto- thanks for having us, see you again:)