Sunday, 21 October 2012

Safari vol.9

New season of Safari, yeeeeeeeey, I'm so excited! After this long summer break we're coming back with two live acts: Bownr and Poll A Rock, both well known to the Slovenian electronic audience. 
I'm looking forward to DJing again with PlankTon and N'toko and to seeing Koala's awesome visuals.
Come, let's have fun!

Safari vol.9
Thursday 25th October
22.30.- 4.00.
3 euros

Live acts: 
BOWNR (ZavodKru, Ricochet UK)
Popotnik skozi žanr in čas, nepogrešljiva figura na domači elektronski sceni, ki nas že leta navdušuje z nepredvidljivimi izdajami na domačih in tujih založbah. Njegov razpon seže od IDM-a do techna in breaksov, nikoli pa ne pozabi na plesišče.

Producent, ki zavrača razlikovanje med punkom in technom, nas je skozi svojo dolgo glasbeno pot  peljal že marsikam in ves čas ostal aktualen, nikoli pa ni bil nič drugega kot Poll A Rock. Njegova surova in umazana produkcija ostaja edinsktvena na zemljevidu sodobne elektronike.





Monday, 15 October 2012


It's been a while since Kaki posted a song. So, here is a new one. It's called Diamonds and it's sort of a play on my James Bond girl's accent (simply put: Slavic). It was recorded just at the beginning of my stay in Tokyo this summer. Enjoy!

Kaki also played a few shows again while in Japan. This is a video clip from Utero, Fukuoka. It was actually a proper gig in a proper live house with many great bands. I must say it was an important experience for Kaki who usually doesn't do live gigs:)

And one more thing. In August Matt Schley (who is also the author of the photo on the top of the page) and Miha were shooting a new PV for N'toko. Kaki has a small role in it, playing herself and being mysterious. Here is a short preview of the video, looks cool.