Monday, 21 January 2013

Safari vol.12 with BILK and SOME1ELSE

My first party after coming back from India. This winter has been strange so far. I was sick most of the time (except while in India) and the only occassions I went out were the parties I deejeyed at. And then straight back to bed. So, my expectations are quite high for this Safari- I want to dance and have fun - or is it too much to ask?
On the other hand, my mind is not quite here yet. All I do is sing along to Bollywood in my fake hindi instead of finding new music for my DJ set.  Sometimes jumping between such extremely opposite realities is confusing :) But it's also something I enjoy the most- finding myself at both ends...
Safari vol.12 presents you the awesome BILK from Croatia and SOME1ELSE as a guest DJ!
Welcome, come and play :)))))

 Metelkova mesto
January 24th
22.30.- 4.00
3 euros

live act:

guest DJ:



Leto 2013 začenjamo z gostovanjem še enega vrhunskega zagrebškega benda. Po odličnem nastopu ABOP prihajajo k nam BILK, radioaktivni trio ki mojstrsko prepleta breakbeat in jungle ritme z new-wave in indie estetiko. Leta 2006 so nas navdušili z odličnim albumom "This Bilk is Radioactive" in še boljšimi živimi nastopi, letos pa v Ljubljano prihajajo pred izzidom dolgo pričakovanega novega albuma! Poleg njih bo Gromko z basi napolnil trenutno eden najzanimivejših domačih producentov, Some1Else, ki z njemu lastnimi prijemi raziskuje vznemirljivo pokrajino med hiphopom in plesno elektroniko. Za zvok in sliko bomo skrbeli N'toko, Zana, PlankTon in Koala, za odlično atmosfero pa boste, kot vedno, poskrbeli vi. Se vidimo! 

And this is our first video flyer, starring the one and only Kaji Meiko (she also appears on many of Safari's flyers and posters):

And this is BILK with their new material:

See you!