Saturday, 23 February 2013

Flower. Future. Forest.

Here are some photos from Safari vol.13, all taken by Aleš Rosa. Despite one of the live-acts getting sick, heavy snowing and not so many people, this was one of the nicest Safaris this season. The vibes were just right for a great party and Wanda & Nove deViator managed to create a magical atmosphere with their music. Koala created perfect visual support for their sound and he amused us all trough the night with his clever selection of images and words. Thanks to everybody involved in the event and thanks to the crowd for being so great, sticking with us until the morning. See you again:)

Info of the party:
Safari vol.13
21st February 2013, Gromka
Live act: Wanda & Nova deViator
DJ': N'toko, Zana, PlankTon
Visuals: Koala

Friday, 22 February 2013


Some photos from Safari vol.12, taken by Peter Giodani. 

Info of the party:
Gromka,  January 24th 2013
Live act: BILK
DJ's: Some1else
N'toko, Zana, PlankTon

Friday, 15 February 2013

Grandma's style

This is a photo by Mami Oonishi, taken in Tokyo at the end of the August 2012. She did the make-up and styling as well. I always admired Mami's fashion style and every time I asked her where did she get her clothes, she replied: "It's my grandmother's." Really cool and stylish things. This cute shirt is also her grandmother's :)

I worked with Mami before for a fashion brand Manu.

Wanda & Nova Deviator + Loutseau

For Safari's lucky 13 we're bringing two live acts of two generations back to Gromka's stage. The first one is Loutseau, one of Ljubljana's most talented and inspiring young producers at the moment, and the second one is the legendary duo Wanda & Nova deViator who are just about to release their new album.  A night of fresh electronic music, come and play :)

Na tokratnem Safariju se veselimo srečanja predstavnikov dveh generacij domačih elektronskih producentov; duet Wanda in Nova deViator se vračata na Safari tik pred izzidom novega albuma, oborožen s kupom lastne sveže produkcije pa se vrača tudi producent Loutseau. Wandi in Novi se končno obeta dokončan album z nadgrajenim materialom izvorno iz njunega performansa 'Zamrznjene pododbe' (Frozen Images). V uporniški in deviantni maniri nagovarjata publiko z mešanico osebno-izpovednega in kritičnega materiala fino zgnetenega v pobezljane ritme in elektronsko saturacijo. Nič manj eklektičen pa ni Loutseau, ki s svojo dejavnostjo gotovo izstopa kot eden perspektivnejših mladih producentov pri nas. Če nas je doslej navduševal predvsem kot dj, ki je skupaj z ekipo Don't Make New People polnil Ljubljanske klube s svežimi zvoki, nas zadnje čase vse bolj razveseljuje z lastno, žanrsko neulovljivo produkcijo. Sam pravi, da izhaja iz zvoka 80ih in 90ih, njegovi komadi pa vedno zvenijo predvsem futuristično. Gostom bomo družbo delali vam dobro znani rezident DJ-ji, N'toko, PlankTon in Zana, manjkal pa ne bo niti Koala™, ki bo skrbel za dekor in vizualije. Se vidimo v Gromki!

Safari vol.13
February 21st 2013
22.30. - 4.00.
Gromka, Metelkova mesto Ljubljana

Live act:
Wanda & Nova Deviator



Wanda & Nova deViator at Safari vol. 4:

Loutseau (with N'toko) at Safari vol.3:
(both photos by Peter Giodani)

And Wanda & Nova deViator's video trailer:

See you!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

In Wonderland

Safari crew was invited to DJ at the masquerade party in Mostovna (Nova Gorica) last Saturday. It was really fun, as it usually is with masks and costumes :) We played along Nicus Pocus, the crowd was cool and the decoration was just amazing. Like entering Alice's Wonderland, feeling dislocated and disorientated in time and space. Here are some photos by Blaž Turk, Viki Šul, PlankTon and N'toko.
Thanks to Nik and Wonderland crew for having us for this magical night :)

Party info:
PUST- It's raining time
9th February 2012
Mostovna/Nova Gorica
DJ's: N'toko, PlankTon, Nicus Pocus, Zana
decoration: Wonderland Crew