This summer seems to be quite Bollywood oriented for me. After several dance workshops and my event Om Shanti Om in Gromka, I played at kids' workshop on one Saturday morning in the center of Ljubljana, which was quite fun. I was also in-charge for 'Indian make-up' - girls got bindis on their foreheads and kajal around their eyes :)
There are two upcoming events in August, one will be in Jalla Jalla (August 10th, see the info below) and one at various locations around Ljubljana on August 30th. Shanti Priya hopes to see you around!
But that's not it! My favorite Slovenian Bollywood dancer Sylvia Valentine is organizing a workshop with Subhash Viman Gorania, an amazing choreographer and dancer from India. Everybody most welcome to see his performance or, if you're into dancing, to attend his lessons.
Bollywood night in Jalla Jalla
DJ: Shanti Priya
August 10th at 22.00
Jalla Jalla, AKC Metelkova
Bollywood je skovanka iz besed Bombay in Hollywood in označuje eno
največjih filmskih industrij na svetu. Najmočnejša aduta filmov,
nastalih na indijski podcelini, sta glasba in ples, ki ne manjkata v
nobeni zgodbi. Bollywood glasba je od svojega rojstva s prvim indijskim
zvočnim filmom leta 1931 doživela nešteto preobrazb. Od klasične glasbe
sitarjev do funka in r'n'b-ja, od pobožnih bhajanov do elektronskih
štanc, od ghazalov do hiphopa in od najbolj mastnih punjabi beatov do
srce parajočih balad. Vsemu temu bomo lahko prisluhnili na glasbenem
potovanju v Indijo, kamor nas bo iz Jalla Jalle
popeljala Shanti Priya.