Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Wake me up!

Kaki's old/new song! 

This song was actually recorded 4 years ago so I think it's actually Kaki's second song ever as far as I can remember. That's from the times when she still wore pink hair.
I used the photo where I pose with the awesome DELTAS from Kyushu, we played a gig together last summer in Fukuoka.
Anyway, enjoy the song, it's silly, as usual :)

Christmas style

Just a week before going to India, I'll be doing another night of Bollywod music in Jalla Jalla. Sounds like a good pre-christmas in India-party :) Come to dance!


12.december 2013 
at 22.00
Jalla Jalla, AKC Metelkova

Shanti Priya vas bo na to decembrsko noč popeljala v čarobni svet indijskega popa. Potovali bomo prek zgodovine Bollywooda od najlepših zimzelenih melodij pa vse do super hitov sodobnega časa. Indijska filmska glasba je namreč od svojega rojstva s prvim indijskim zvočnim filmom leta 1931 doživela že nešteto preobrazb. Od klasične glasbe sitarjev do funka in r'n’b-ja, od pobožnih bhajanov do elektronskih štanc, od ghazalov do hip-hopa in od najbolj mastnih punjabi beatov do srce parajočih balad.