The best way to fight winter is to dance!
13. februar 2014 at 22.00
Jalla Jalla, AKC Metelkova
Shanti Priya vas bo popeljala v čarobni svet indijskega popa. Potovali bomo prek zgodovine Bollywooda od najlepših zimzelenih melodij pa vse do super hitov sodobnega časa. Indijska filmska glasba je namreč od svojega rojstva s prvim indijskim zvočnim filmom leta 1931 doživela že nešteto preobrazb. Od klasične glasbe sitarjev do funka in r'n’b-ja, od pobožnih bhajanov do elektronskih štanc, od ghazalov do hip-hopa in od najbolj mastnih punjabi beatov do srce parajočih balad.
These are my two favorite Bollywood songs of 2013. The first one is really beautiful with a spectacular dance and costumes, while the second one is silly, but it got under my skin while I was in India since it was such a big hit you could hear it from every corner.
These are my two favorite Bollywood songs of 2013. The first one is really beautiful with a spectacular dance and costumes, while the second one is silly, but it got under my skin while I was in India since it was such a big hit you could hear it from every corner.