Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Paranoid. Paranoico.

Valentine's day seems like a perfect occasion for bizarre musical projects. One of those weird occasions got me involved with Trinitron (my band) in 2010, when me and Miha joined Ian Martin and Kaname K for recording a cover of a Japanese 70's girl band Candies' song Heart no Ace ga Detekonai. The song was a part of Call and Response Records' first Valentine's Day compilation, dedicated to Candies. The concept was to get Tokyo's indie/garage/punk/trash-pop/noise bands to cover sweet 70's pop songs in their own way.

The next Valentine's Day album by the label was all about Perfume, at the time the most famous Japanese girl electro pop band, produced by the famous Nakata Yasutaka of Capsule. Trinitron recorded a cover of Edge. The compilation was also the first official release for Kaki (c'est moi) who contributed her dark techno piece Schokoladige Disko! The album was released in 2011.

The third Valentine's Day compilation was released last Friday and is, as the label's owner Ian Martin put it, "the biggest, most epic and probably most fun thing ever to have happened in the annals of Call and Response Records' history". It's an album of 21 covers of Black Sabbath's Paranoid. That's epic indeed. You can read more about it here and download for free here.

Both Trinitron and Kaki contributed to the project. Trinitron recorded a trashy shoegaze version of the song with our friend Ryotaro Aoki as guest guitarist and singer Gloomy as guest vocalist. The lyrics are translated in Italian (note: this is not our first song in this language). Paranoico.

Kaki's version is more minimalistic and clean, centered around a simple melody and deep bass.

And the original:

Monday, 3 February 2014

Hair code!

This friday we'll be playing in our favorite trashy town in Slovenia, Kamnik, where you never know who will get naked on the dance floor ;)


MC Kotlovnica, Kamnik  
7. februar 2014 ob 21.00

N'toko (Safari crew)
Zana (Safari crew) 
Moof (FPA, zAvod kru)
Sv. Pixel (FPA, zAvod kru)
+ visuals

Na predvečer kulturnega praznika se obeta podzemna zabava v čast našemu največjemu pisatelju in razvratnemu umetniku. To ni večer poezije in sonetnih vencev, to bo večer razuzdanega elektro housa, mastnega breakbeata, perverznega techna in podobnih nemarnih elektronskih zvrsti. V goste prihajata žena in mož, sicer člana Safari crew-ja, ZANA in N'TOKO!
In kot se seveda za FPA spodobi si bomo zopet zastavili večno vprašanje: WHO IS THE FILTHIEST PERSON ALIVE?

Vstopnina: pred 22.00=0 yen, po 22.00=3 eur

Hair code! Prisoten bo tudi dežurni frizer.

Facebook event

(photo taken from Sv. Pixel's facebook)