Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Koalas and Pandas

Some Peter Giodani's photos from Safari vol.3. Thanks to Qualiass, Yanoosh and Loutseau for great performances, Peter for photos and everybody who came for dancing and being so awesome:) See you next time.

Saturday, 17 December 2011


So, yesterday I found this entry on Make Believe Melodies blog that made my day. It's about my song Schokoladige Disko. It says it's the most sinister J-pop cover and best reimagining of the year! Well that's a cool award category, isn't it? 

I think what people find interesting about this song is that I turned a really sweet Japanese pop song into a creepy one. If I take the words from the song's review: "This is shadow-draped dance music with a sinister streak, the chorus that Perfume delivered with such glee turned into this dead-eyed thing that is really quite hypnotic. The lyrics on Caroline’s version stay pretty faithful to what the lyrics in the original focus on, but delivered in an icy way that turns them from innocence to desperation."

The original song: 

And my interpretation of it:
Schokoladige Disko feat. Kaki- Zana by zanacaroline

Make Believes Melodies is a blog about Japanese music. It featured articles about my songs already in the past. Here are some links where you can find them.

This is the latest one: 

The previous one was also about Schokoladige Disko, when the song came out:

And this one is about my first song Looksmelltasteheartouch:

And a link to my old blog entries when I write about songs and Kaki, etc.:

I really hope I'll put up some of my new songs soon (they will all feature Kaki of course) and don't forget- THE NEW 'TRINITRON' EP is coming out even sooner:).

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Safari vol.3

The month goes around really quickly and here we have Safari vol.3. This time we will host two cool Slovenian producers Qualiass and Yanoosh. As their facebook says: "Sometimes we have to kill one- thing to start another- thing... with an a(ss)titude!" They will DJ and do a live set together as well. Loutseau will take the place of a guest/ warm up DJ and then there will be N'toko, PlankTon and me as usual. We'll also give away a free ticket- for the whole year 2012, as a pre-Christmas gift:) Well, I'll also pretend it's my New year's party since I'll be all shanti shanti and far away from the dance floor on the actual New year's eve:)

Where: Gromka, Metelkova, Ljubljana
When: December 15th, 2011
Time: 22.00.- 4.00.
entree fee: 3 euros

V decemberski ediciji Safarija v goste prihajata producenta Qualiass in Yanoosh, ki bosta postregla z live actom in DJ setom hkrati. Za ogrevanje bo tokrat poskrbel Loutseau, kot vedno pa bodo za mešalko PlankTon, N'toko in Zana.
Kot se za praznično obdobje spodobi bomo izvedli tudi nagradno igro. Lastnik izžrebane karte bo vse Safarije v letu 2012 obiskal zastonj.

Live: Qualiass & Yanoosh (Qualiass Records, Rx: Tx)

Qualiass & Yanoosh= En hud producent + Še en hud producent= Live act + DJ set= Dance + Headband



Koala (Trajna) 

And here is a video clip of Qualiass & Yanoosh:

Come and play:)