Monday, 30 January 2012

Generation Noise

"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here, we should dance."
Here are some photos from our 4th Safari at Gromka, taken by Peter Giodani. I had a really great time, thanks to the awesome Wanda & Nova deViator who rocked the stage and impressed the young crowd as well as their old fans and also thanks to Nicus Pocus who was DJing for the first time but had the skills and charisma of a professional:)

Thank you for coming!!!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Monday Club

Monday club is a song by Trinitron, named after our club for people who have nothing to do on Mondays (and for those who joined us after work), our traditional gathering place was a cheap Italian food chain Saizeriya. We were discussing about Nakata Yasutaka (,our favorite producer a lot and we realized his lyrics are so 'great' (especially the ones on Capsule's latest album World of Fantasy) that they should be read aloud as a poetry. The followers of his poetry would be called neo-nakatniks. 
It was just at the time of recording our new EP so we dedicated one song to this idea. 'Monday Club' includes lyrics from 'Striker', 'I just wanna xxx you' and also a bit from Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's 'Pon Pon Pon' (Kyary is Nakata's latest project). We translated them from English into Japanese and Slovenian and it turned out really bizarre. A combination of three original party songs came out as a rape song (or something else similarly morbid). Anyway, this song could be celebrated as a rare piece of Slovenian- Japanese lyrical intercourse, haaa:)

So, this is our song:

Monday Club by trinitronjp

And this are the songs that we stole our lyrics from:

「CAPSULE」 カプセル「I JUST WANNA XXX YOU」 by zeroonerawr

 But this is not our only tribute to Nakata Yasutaka on this album:) We also did a cover of Perfume's song Edge (Perfume is the most famous group that Nakata produces). 

Our version:

Edge by trinitronjp

The original (by the way, this is probably my favorite live videos of all times):

As you can see, we love Nakata Yasutaka (if we admit it or not)!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Safari goes to Ostriga

Only two days after our event in Ljubljana Safari will take off to Škofja Loka to do another party in Rdeča Ostriga. We'll present ourselves with our DJ sets as well as with BeatMyth, a project of PlankTon and Mike Preeters with N'toko as guest vocalist. Our support DJ will be Nicus Pocus.

 MKC Pri Rdeči Ostrigi
22.00. - 5.00.
Vstopka: 3 € / do polnoči, 5 € / po polnoči (oz. 4 € s flajerjem)

Po premierni predstavitvi v Klubu Gromka se ekipa Safarija tako z DJ seti kot tudi z live actom seli v Škofjo Loko. BeatMyth je avtorski projekt DJ PlankTona in Mike-a Preetersa z N’tokom na vokalu. V Ostrigi bosta PlankTon in N’toko predstavila tako nekaj materiala iz lanskega albuma “Your Own Two Heads” kot tudi še neizdane pesmi.

DJ crew:

N’toko (
PlankTon (
Zana (

Live act:
BeatMyth (

Koala (Trajna)

On facebook event you can also get a link to a free download of the first BeatMyth's album 'Your own two heads'. 

Safari vol.4

Back from India. I thought it's gonna be more difficult to get me back into clubbing mood, but since we host such an awesome live act on out next Safari, I'm already all excited about it:) This time we present you 'Wanda & nova deViator'. Words don't say as much as the videos, check them out bellow:)
DJs, as usual: N'toko, PlankTon and me, and come to check out the new guy on the scene- Nicus Pocus.

v apokaliptično leto 2012 nas bosta popeljala dva dobro znana vrača domače elektronske scene, Wanda & Nova deViator! N'toku, Zani in PlankTonu se bo za mešalko z electro/techno vibracijami pridružil novinec Nicus Pocus.

Wanda & Nova deViator (

Wanda & Nova deViator se navdušeno vklapljata na Safari s prispevkom premiksanega deviantnega fanka-fjučr-panka, elektronske demoralizacije, anti-trendovskega kvira in vedno malce posebnih elektro brejkov. Wanda je odslikava nekaterih neulovljivih silnic, ki se upirajo vkalupljenju in stranskim efektom medijskih podob, kot so nagrajenci ali pa koreografinje sodobnega plesa. Zato se manifestira kot vselej bolj surova zvočna energija. Nova deViator pa se kot vedno izmika večjim vzponom in rasti, vendar še vedno, in znova, vztraja s svojim delovanjem v ljubljansko-slovenski sceni elektronskega glasbenega pobalinstva, ki se neumorno izmika ušesom pametnjakovičev in raje udari v plesoče telo. Skratka, pobezljani elektrončkarji? Panedares.

PlankTon (
N'toko (
Zana (
Nicus Pokus (

Koala™(Trajna) (

Gromka. 26.1.2012. ob 22:00
Vstopnina: 3evre 

Monday, 16 January 2012


So, it's finally on Soundcloud, Trinitron's new EP 'Subsidence'. It's already a tradition to record Trinitron in the last three days of our stay in Tokyo and it was no different this time. Instead of using Kantaro's studio, we did most of the recordings in Ian and Kaname's living room while Ian was still making up songs and the rest of us were consuming lots of potato chips while waiting.

To explain from the start, Trinitron is a musical project that Tokyo based music journalist Ian Martin has with his wife Kaname, me and Miha got involved in it about 2 years ago for the recording of Candies cover song (you can read more about it here: ). Our first EP was called 'More Real Than News'.

To describe Trinitron's music, it would have to be New Wave, but very Koenji style.  Koenji is a very unique part of the world with it's own specific music aesthetics. It's a bit about being clumsy and uncertain but with attitude:)

(Zana Caroline, N'toko, Ian Martin, Kaname K)

We recorded six tracks this round, some of them originals, some covers and some rip-offs.

Killer Wave is a song about post earthquake situation in Tohoku and scouting for porn actresses amongst the victims. ( The title is stolen, of course, from Capsule's first idea for their album which ended up as The World of Fantasy due to the situation in Japan at the time of releasing it.)

Killer Wave by trinitronjp

Monday club needs a longer explanation, I will do it in another blog. It's my favorite Trinitron song- avantgard noise cover of three Japanese electro house pop hits:)
Monday Club by trinitronjp

10.000 Euros is  song about SAZAS, the Slovenian author's rights agency.  This story inspires even people overseas:)
10,000 Euros by trinitronjp

Polo Shirts Girl is another lesbian song that we have (I guess each EP will have one). It's an indie lesbian song:)
Polo Shirts Girl by trinitronjp

Democracy is a parody on Japan's best selling band AKB48. This group of 48 teenage girls has a song in which they try to convince the listener for which girl he should vote for (when you buy a CD you get a voting ticket and you can vote for your favorite member of the band-the one who wins can dance in the front and stuff like that). So, it's me and Kaname trying to convince you which one is better:)

Democracy by trinitronjp

Edge is a bonus track on the EP. It's a Pefume cover:)
Edge by trinitronjp

Thanks for listening:)